Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ten Steps for Forming a Successful Team

Teamwork is the ability
To work together
Toward a common vision.
The ability to direct individual
Accomplishments toward
Organizational objectives.
It is the fuel that allows
Common people to obtain
Uncommon results.

Ten Steps for Forming a Successful Team

1. Share Center Point Values
Without shared values peak performance isn’t possible.
2. Put Team First
The team success must be the focus 24/7.
3. Walk the Talk
Successful leaders embrace the Power of Teamwork by tapping into the innate strengths each person brings to the table.
4. Maintain Peak Performance
Peak Performance requires we take time to rest, reflect and recharge our batteries.
5. Communicate Vertically + Horizontally
Every member on the team requires clear and effective communication to accomplish their job.
At this level of performance, there can be no questions or doubt concerning communication.
6. Prepare to Win
Visualize yourself accomplishing the task at hand.
7. Capitalize on Synergy
Synergy happens when qualified people align on a common objective.
8. Clarify Procedures
Each member must know procedures and follow a detailed script.
Every situation requires a proper response.
9. Foster Positive Attitudes
A can-do attitude makes the impossible, possible.
10. Strive for Perfection
When each member accepts full responsibility and strives for excellence trust and performance increase exponentially and the team is ready to take off.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Taking Action

I got a notice today from NWYC, notifying me that the senators which represent my vote in the Senate both voted YES on a bill that I would have thrown out the window. So this was my nice response.
Senators Hatch and Bennett,

As a 13 year National Guard veteran approaching my second tour to the Middle East. I would like to give you a quick suggestion in reference to your recent (Yes) vote on Pell Grants. Instead of giving away tax dollars to those "that can't afford to go to school" (not true) give them the number for their local Armed Forces recruiting office and let them earn it. Grants of this type don't allow people to create value in exchange for their Human Life Value so your vote is aiding in the creation of a generation of Moochers. There are so many other options out there that could be utilized, other than increasing the amount of money students can get for FREE (FREE MONEY is also not true).


Silencio Diakos

Monday, July 30, 2007

Sorry friends,

For some reason none of my posts would show on the web last week. So I finally deleted some of them and it is now working again. Those silly socialist were trying to silence Silencio but little did they know you can't silence a Free-Man. So I am back on-line. Silly socialists!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm on my way back to the Middle East in 2008.

Monday, July 16, 2007


The following poem was sent to me by younger sister Julie Winter.
Julie's writing ability and use of words has become an amazing source of expression for both her and any like-minded reader. Her works demonstrate her strong conviction of love for God, Family, and Country. She is the proud mother of her 4 children and the loving wife of her "knight in shining armor" Chris.
Julie creates her writings in her spare time between diaper changes, meals or during the kid's nap time (only on days she doesn't dose off too). She loves being a mother and works nonstop to give her children what every child should have, a loving mother and father that build them up, give them love, and teach true principles.
Below is Julie's July 2007 poem, properly named "Freedom" and timely released in July as we commemorate our Nations Birthday.

Thanks Julie keep them coming! Silencio


You talk of freedom of speech and religion
And say it is “MY” right as a United States citizen
And yet you cannot see that freedom has come at a cost
From United States Soldiers whose lives have been lost
They cry from the dust that their sacrifice be not in vain!
And yet you still say our President just seeks power and gain

I am tired of hearing from some of our people and politicians
We “support our troops”- but this war is full of abominations!
They say “if elected we will end this war and bring our troops back home to our soil”
Politicians who first agreed that this war was justified and unavoidable!
Now look at the war as an advantage to winning the presidential race
While as “president” they will end this war that to their name has been such a disgrace

Let us fight for our rights and stand strong as Americans
Whether you call yourself Democrats or Republicans
Let us not argue or point fingers any longer at who is to blame
Creating “Committees”, wasting millions of tax dollars is such a shame
Let us realize the greater battle is raging within our own walls
As we sit back and watch the division amongst our people will ultimately be our great fall

May “In God we trust!” stand as a testimony to this great nation
Without God standing as the head of our country we will be under great condemnation
Men’s hearts our failing them and what was once considered wrong is now customary
Evil men are altering the words of our past so that we will forget our powerful history
Our “Founding Fathers” held a common thread of “liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
Before our nation was established let us not forget that war and bondage was in their midst

To our American Soldiers I give you a standing ovation
With the Flag waiving high and my hand on my heart I give you my salutation
I weep when I think that you are away from the comforts of your home
The loneliness you must feel in the night when you are all alone
I pray that God will keep you safe from harms way
And that he will comfort your families and help them make it through each day

I don’t know when this terrible conflict will come to an end
But I know of your great name and of America I will always defend
You are American Soldiers standing proud and tall
Fighting an enemy who greatest desire is to see us crumble and fall
As our National Anthem proclaims “Tis the Star Spangled Banner; O long may it wave”
As an American I am grateful to be in a “Land of the free and the home of the BRAVE!”

By Julie Winter
American Patriot

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Freedom Walk 2007

My friends,
Below is an email from my close friend Paul Holton. Paul and I both served in Iraq in 2003 and have since become closely connected in a mutual cause. Please take a minute to learn more about our cause and visit One of our main goals is to take ACTION not just talk about the things we would like to do. We have several events planned every year that require the help of willing people. I don't mean to pilfer from the Marines but "We are looking for a few good Men and Women" that are committed to freedom and country and want to do what they can to make the world a better place. Through combining our efforts we can strengthen and unite our communities instead of standing by, watching them be divided by the media or those that have a defeatist mentality. This quote by the Governor of Alabama sums up my point.

Tolerating evil leads only to more evil. And when good people stand by and do nothing while wickedness reigns, their communities will be consumed. Bob Riley
Please join us and become a part of our "Bands of Heroes".

Thanks for all you do,

To all who will join us:

We are beginning our planning for this years Freedom Walk on 9/11, to pay tribute to those who lost their lives that dreadful day and to all those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice since then in the War on Terrorism. We will be combining our Freedom Walk with the Healing Fields sponsored by Colonial Flag and Sandy City, which is going to be an impressive sight.

This years event should be outstanding but we will need as much help as possible to make this a memorable event. We would love your help and support and hope that all of you might be able to participate in some way. Please let us know what you would like to do this year to help us create the best ever Freedom Walk on 9/11.

Thanks so much for all you do. we really appreciate your support. Love all of you
Paul Holton
Chief Wiggles
Operation Give
"Doing it the wiggles way"

Paul Holton, known to many as "Chief Wiggles," is the founder of Operation Give and the award winning author of Saving Babylon: The Heart of an Army Interrogator in Iraq. He has appeared as a guest on a wide range of radio, television, and news features, and is a popular speaker as he recounts his experiences in Iraq as an interrogator responsible for 17 Iraqi generals. Paul's book, Saving Babylon, is available at, on and at better bookstores. Operation Give provides toys, educational and medical supplies and other relief to war-torn nations around the world. Donations can be made at To arrange media interviews and guest appearances, please call Paul Holton at 801-259-6336, or email him at Write to Paul at: Saving Babylon P.O. Box 520055 Salt Lake City, UT 84152-0055

Live peeps

This year my kids got a surprise for Easter. Her is my daughter showing off one of her new chicks (Aren't they both cute?)

We bought 20 of these little guys and the poor things were torn a part in one night by the Raccoons around our house. It was devastating for the kids but we have since replaced all the ones that were killed on that horrible night. The Coons must of thought they were at Chuck-a-Rama (that's a Utah thing)

Anyway that is all I have to say about that.

I would like to invite anyone with good comments to post on my blog when you get a chance.

THE University of Utah

Many people in Utah may not like this picture, But those of true faith know "who's on the Lords side, Who? We know where the REAL University of Utah is.

The Free-man's Guidebook

The Free-man's Guidebook
By Silencio Diakos

Subject: How to set a meeting with a Producer.

I have often heard Statements such as “he is to busy for me” or “she has rescheduled on me three times” said by those that are stuck in the [consumer-condition].
For a consumer getting a [Producer] to schedule a meeting or to even “give them the time of day” as they might say can often be a very frustrating task- or so it seems.
Prior to my becoming a Free-man I found this a very common feeling. The above statements were ones I’ve used many times myself. It wasn’t until one morning when I took the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin off the shelf it had been sitting on for years and began reading that I realized I could meet with him or any other producer I wanted when and wherever I wanted. I found that my reading skills and imagination could get almost all of the information he could offer me right from the pages of that book, possibly more than if he were sitting across the table from me in person. I learned amazing things from my meetings with Old Ben. He gave me the inspiration to start this Guidebook. He taught me how to weigh out Pros and Cons whenever faced with a decision. To sum it all up my meetings with Benjamin Franklin were “electrifying” pun intended, if you don’t get that you have a lot of reading to do.
Since this is a guidebook, I am sure you are expecting some guidance or great advice on the title subject “How to set a meeting with a Producer”, so here it is.
Prior to using the energy of scheduling an appointment with someone you look to as a Producer here are 4 steps I would take.
Do your best to make sure the meeting has a definite purpose for ALL involved. Meaning the meeting should create value and prosper ALL who attend, not just you.
If the definite purpose can be solved without meeting than don’t meet until it can’t. Meaning all the “due diligence” you could do, has been done.
Study anything and everything you can about the producer before you meet. This can save you their “precious time” and give you leverage with them. Meaning you won’t just be a dead battery they feel they have to recharge and they may even get some charge from you which could lead to future meetings with them more often.
If your purpose in meeting is to get the Producer’s opinion save both of you some time and study the principles the Producer lives by. Meaning Producers know that principles govern so they form their opinions from principles not emotions.

In summary most of the 4 steps I mentioned have to be done by you. If you are not willing to take the action steps then continue to enjoy the frustration of not meeting with the Producers. Don’t worry eventually your desire to meet with them will go away, which will entitle you to file a complaint, adding one more to the ever growing list of things “there ought to be a law against” or if filling a complaint is too much work you. Then just join the crowds of Consumers that whine and moan about producers whenever they get the chance.