The following poem was sent to me by younger sister Julie Winter.
Julie's writing ability and use of words has become an amazing source of expression for both her and any like-minded reader. Her works demonstrate her strong conviction of love for God, Family, and Country. She is the proud mother of her 4 children and the loving wife of her "knight in shining armor" Chris.
Julie creates her writings in her spare time between diaper changes, meals or during the kid's nap time (only on days she doesn't dose off too). She loves being a mother and works nonstop to give her children what every child should have, a loving mother and father that build them up, give them love, and teach true principles.
Below is Julie's July 2007 poem, properly named "Freedom" and timely released in July as we commemorate our Nations Birthday.
Thanks Julie keep them coming!
You talk of freedom of speech and religion
And say it is “MY” right as a United States citizen
And yet you cannot see that freedom has come at a cost
From United States Soldiers whose lives have been lost
They cry from the dust that their sacrifice be not in vain!
And yet you still say our President just seeks power and gain
I am tired of hearing from some of our people and politicians
We “support our troops”- but this war is full of abominations!
They say “if elected we will end this war and bring our troops back home to our soil”
Politicians who first agreed that this war was justified and unavoidable!
Now look at the war as an advantage to winning the presidential race
While as “president” they will end this war that to their name has been such a disgrace
Let us fight for our rights and stand strong as Americans
Whether you call yourself Democrats or Republicans
Let us not argue or point fingers any longer at who is to blame
Creating “Committees”, wasting millions of tax dollars is such a shame
Let us realize the greater battle is raging within our own walls
As we sit back and watch the division amongst our people will ultimately be our great fall
May “In God we trust!” stand as a testimony to this great nation
Without God standing as the head of our country we will be under great condemnation
Men’s hearts our failing them and what was once considered wrong is now customary
Evil men are altering the words of our past so that we will forget our powerful history
Our “Founding Fathers” held a common thread of “liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
Before our nation was established let us not forget that war and bondage was in their midst
To our American Soldiers I give you a standing ovation
With the Flag waiving high and my hand on my heart I give you my salutation
I weep when I think that you are away from the comforts of your home
The loneliness you must feel in the night when you are all alone
I pray that God will keep you safe from harms way
And that he will comfort your families and help them make it through each day
I don’t know when this terrible conflict will come to an end
But I know of your great name and of America I will always defend
You are American Soldiers standing proud and tall
Fighting an enemy who greatest desire is to see us crumble and fall
As our National Anthem proclaims “
Tis the Star Spangled Banner; O long may it wave”
As an American I am grateful to be in a “Land of the free and the home of the BRAVE!”
By Julie Winter
American Patriot