The Practical Man
by Paul Diamond
What is the proper role of government? What does it mean to have a government for the people and of the people? What annoys me is that these two simple questions are so important and yet many Americans can’t even give an intelligent, non-partisan answer if they were asked. I know someone who wants to fix this issue. I have known him my entire life and I have a great amount of love and respect for this very practical man. His name is Steven C. Diamond and he is my older brother. He has seen enough wrongdoing in our country and has decided it is time to make a stand. He has decided to start at the city level of government by campaigning for a seat on the Orem City Council. In this paper I will share with you some of the issues Steve wants to fix that are ailing our city. I will also cover some of his practical, common sense answers for these issues. I am very proud of my brother and his willingness to serve our country. I am a Soldier in the United States Army and as such, I feel proud to stand with Americans like Steve that are truly willing to stand up and protect our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.
The Reason for Running
My brother Steve is running for city council as a practical man with practical solutions. The current council is taking the city in a direction completely opposite of what Orem is known for, “Family City USA”, Steve wants this to become the official motto of the city. Orem has been slowly losing its flavor as the sweetest city to raise a family and Steve wants that to change. As an Orem native and resident for over 30 years Steve has a passion about the city he calls home. Steve’s passion for success is what drives him in life. He is the only candidate running for Orem city council that has expressed his intentions to the public through his website, www.stevencdiamond.com. When you read his plans on his site you can tell he has a sincere concern for the success and future of the city. He has real ideas that can solve issues with practical solutions, not just the “pie in the sky” type answers we hear from so many of today’s politicians.
Failing Businesses
Steve’s first focus as a member of the Orem City Council will be on business. He understands and knows what it takes to successfully operate a business. He started his first business at age 14 landscaping and maintaining residential and commercial properties. His years of business experience have helped him appreciate the value created in a community by active business community involvement. If Orem continues to lose businesses at the rate it has over the last ten years the city stands to lose more tax base then it can afford, which will result in job loss among citizens and city employees. Steve intends to work with the business sector and create a positive win/win environment where the businesses know they are appreciated for the value they bring to the city. The current city council has just stood by and watched very strong businesses leave the city limits for benefits offered by neighboring cities just a few miles away. The council seems to feel that they have no cause and effect on what the businesses choose to do. But having been in business for so long, Steve knows exactly what drives the business owners and currently they are not finding what they want in Orem. So the Practical Man will change that.
Steve brought an issue to light last year that has made members of the council very uneasy in their plans for reelection. A multimillion-dollar project in Midtown Orem has come to a halt due to lack of investment capital. This project was started without having a bond placed on it. The bond would have ensured the completion if the investors backed out allowing the contractor to finish the project and still be paid. When the investors left the contractor followed suit and now the Midtown project is only “Midway complete”. How did this happen? The truth is someone was scratching the back of someone else and now they have decided they don’t want to scratch anymore. So now what can fix it? In comes Steve Diamond the Practical Man with a practical answer. Orem City wants to build a 4 million dollar Music and Arts Center near the city center, which happens to be one block north of the Midtown project. Instead of spending the 4 million on a new building, why not contact the bank holding the loan on the Midtown project and make them an offer? I am sure they would be delighted to move that property for pennies on the dollar. The Practical Man Strikes again!
Focus on the Family
Steve has some great ideas for solving the issues of gangs, domestic disputes and drug usage that seem to be creeping into all cities across America. Orem is no exception. The following idea from his website demonstrates his practical manner of thinking, on a complex issue. “I will make places in Orem where the whole family can enjoy recreation activities together. We could use several of Orem’s empty buildings to promote dances, shows and other forms of recreation. For example, there are currently no major dance halls in all of Utah County. The old Home Base building is currently an empty waste of space. We would not need funds from the city. There are plenty of people who would lease it if the city would give approval. Why not use it as a community culture center? We could invite all of Utah Valley to participate. All ages would be welcome and it would build a sense of community and become a gathering place. It would bring families together by offering them a great time with dancing and floorshows. It could bring back the great band era of the past. It would be a great time for all age groups. A year-round dance hall would be a venue filled with people to utilize University Parkway’s many restaurants and shops—all with minimal impact on the city’s infrastructure because it is all ready (with a few minor improvements).” (Diamond 2009)
I know some readers may feel I have a bias toward my brother and I would agree, he has earned it. He is a practical man with practical answers and isn’t that what we need? When asked if Orem has a drug problem, Steve responded saying [“Candy cigarettes were the things when I was a kid. But proper education is key to helping youth.”] He continued by quoting a principle taught by Joseph Smith, "Teach correct principles and let them govern themselves." Isn’t our government supposed to provide for the common welfare and defense? The role of the government was designed to end there, where it could focus on those two key dimensions of our Republic without intruding into our lives, our liberties and our pursuit of happiness. In this short paper I have briefly discussed the plans of a practical man. It would be a good use of your time to visit Steve’s website and learn more in detail how a practical man comes up with common sense answers. If you live in the city of Orem, Utah and care about your neighborhood, your community and most important your own family, take the time to get to know the Steve Diamond I do. Once you have come to know Steve I am sure you will want to do the only practical thing and that would be to vote for Steven C. Diamond on November 3, 2009. Make your vote count.
(2009). Steven C Diamond. Retrieved from http://stevencdiamond.com/
(2009). Daily Herald. Retrieved from http://www.heraldextra.com/news/local/central/orem/article_ac660111-b4e2-5b6c-9518-cfb98fb19a29.html