Good morning, afternoon or evening! Whatever time of day it is when you read this I hope you are, have had or are having a Wonderful Christmas. It is 5:00p.m. Christmas day here in Iraq and I just woke up from a “long Winter nap” having come back to my room after eating my share and more of the amazing Christmas dinner the Military Dining facility had prepared for us. At around 12:30p.m. I sat down to read some of the many Christmas cards and letters I’ve received from people from every corner of the United States. I didn’t get through too many before I was fast asleep. I am very thankful for so many people wishing me and my family the best during this time of year as we are so far apart, It is humbling to have so many fans and such an amazing “cheer squad”. There really is none finer then the good Ole’ fashioned, red-blooded American Citizen. A heartfelt thanks to you all from a Soldier that can truly say, “I’ve been there, done that”. As I awoke from my nap I just stared at the ceiling of my room, reflecting on where I find myself at this point in my 40th year of life. I thought about my Wonderful wife and eternal companion, Ginger and how much she is the cause of everything good there is in me. I thought about my amazing kids Brayden and Ayjia and how proud they make me as the father. I thought about my awesome family, my mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers that live life to the fullest and are great examples to me. I reflected on all the places I have been as an American Soldier. I have often heard people say, “What is it that makes a man or woman want to become or stay a Soldier?” Believe me, I’ve asked myself that question many times, but as I reflect upon my own answer, I would simply say. “Because I get to witness Miracles.” I could go on for hours, telling story after story of miracles that I have witnessed over these last 17 years. More often than not, I was on the receiving end of many of them, as I am today. Why? You may ask would I consider today a miracle. After all, how can sitting in Iraq on Christmas day, alone, apart from all my family be considered a miracle? Well without the gospel knowledge I have been blessed with I would never consider today a miracle. But because of the things I know to be true I can enjoy this moment and place in time and see how blessed I am, to be where I am here and now. I “Skyped” with my family for over an hour this morning, what a miracle today’s technology is? I was virtually there at the family Christmas party from 7415 miles away. Many people only know the Iraq they get to see on TV. But last night I got to see a miracle in Iraq where Iraqis, Americans, Turks, Ugandans and many other nationalities gathered in a tent the size of a football field to celebrate the birth of Jesus, The Christ. We all sang Christmas hymns, heard the narration of his birth from the book of Luke. Each of us received a small candle as we entered the tent and at the end of the program a few people came through the center isle lighting our candles. We were then instructed if our candle was lit to find others that needed theirs lit. This continued on until everyone held a lit candle, then we sang Joy to the world as we exited the tent row by row. The light of Christ was felt last night in a country that has been in the throws of war for the last 7 years. All who attended, though they may not know it, witnessed a miracle. As I write this Christmas message, I can’t help but reflect on the history and many miracles that have occurred within miles of where I sit. This land was once the center of civilization. Abraham showed miraculous faith not far from here. Jonah and many of the noble and great ones spoken of in the scriptures have been near right where I sit typing. In fact I may never find myself closer to the birthplace of our Savior than I do today. In closing, I bear you my testimony that I know Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, mother, Mary and raised by a loving, earthly father Joseph, obeyed Our Heavenly Father’s will in every instance. Sweat blood for us in Gethsemane, hung bleeding, dying on the cross for us at Calvary. Rose from the tomb three days later to complete his earthly mission and become our Miracle of Miracles, becoming the only one that can act as our advocate to the Father. Every time I take a moment to study or ponder his life and ministry my personal testimony of his Atonement is strengthened. I know he can change each of our lives for the better is we will seek him and let his spirit be a part of our daily lives. This is my testimony I share with you on this Miraculous Christmas day, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Merry Christmas.